JIUJI ISLE™  products & EVENTS


At Jiuji Isle™ our goal is to partner and provide wholesale artisan honey, value added products to  small niche business, resturants and chefs who are aligned with our mission, values and beliefs.  In addition, we do provide products to Preferred Retail Customers.  We firmly in believe in our products, so review the items below and contact us if you are a business interested in buying our products.

Artisan Honey
Featuring one of nature's original "super-foods" i.e, raw honey, this quality honey comes from the Coastal Carolinas and Louisana where bees consume nutrient dense pollen during Spring and/or Fall nectar flows then we sell this flavorful honey from the hive to you. Contact us if you want to become a wholesale partner or click to be added to our Preferred Retail Customer list.

Community Events and Projects

Our products are for people living the active lifestyle. The skin moisturizer and sore muscle balm are products for people who want all natural ingredients.  Contact us if you want to become a wholesale partner.

Lifestyle Products

We believe in community activities, and engaging with individuals who align with our mission, beliefs and values.  We welcome organic farms, co-ops, local markets, and education & corporate biodiversity projects, so contact us if you have interest in us participating in these areas.